Congratulations, Heather
Last week our theme was red, and we had several great entries. We liked Heather Dunn's Tubac Cafe because it combines...
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dave_admin has contributed 89 entries to our website, so far.
Last week our theme was red, and we had several great entries. We liked Heather Dunn's Tubac Cafe because it combines...
The transitory colors of fall are coming to an end, as is our photo contest. The first snow has fallen...
Congratulations to Sarah Dolliver, our week four winner. The theme was rust, and this image gives us the feeling...
We're continuing with our celebration of the colors of fall with a new theme this week -- red. Red shows...
Halloween can be fun for all ages, and this weekend there are plenty of reasons to don your favorite costume...
Our week three theme was orange, and we were taken with the quiet beauty of Georgia Michalicek's leaves. Congratulations, Georgia!...
Rust (n): 1. a reddish-brown color, 2. a state of deterioration or disrepair resulting from lack of use. Fall is a...
Nothing says Fall in the West like an ancient log cabin surrounded by golden aspen leaves, and that earned Sarah...
Yes, it's that pumpkin-y time of year, so our theme this week is orange. Show us leaves, fruit, football uniforms...
The Emerald Mile: The Epic Story of the Fastest Ride in History Through The Heart of The Grand Canyon by Kevin Fedarko...